CableIQ™ Qualification Tester Testimonials
이름: Tim Shadley
직함: 소유자
회사: Wire-It Incorporated
저는 기술자로서 더 효율적이 되었습니다. 현재 상황을 전체적으로 더 잘 파악할 수 있게 해줍니다. 저에게 자신감을 심어주었습니다.
간단한 이야기를 하기 위해, 우리는 고객의 사업장으로 현장 방문을 했습니다. 그들은 사무실을 옮기고 있었고 그는 말하기를, ‘그것은 이미 케이블로 연결되어 있어. 우리는 기존의 모든 배선을 사용할 거야’라고 합니다. 저는 제 미터기를 연결하고 꽂아서 고객과 함께 바로 볼 수 있었고, 그는 이렇게 말합니다. ‘제가 이 공간을 임대했을 때 그들은 이미 네트워크에 케이블로 연결되어 있다고 그렇게 말했어요.’ 우리는 어떤 잭이 작동하는지 파악할 수 있었고, 누군가 사무실 밖으로 이전의 네트워크 장비를 옮긴 다음 그저 천장으로 손을 뻗어 모든 네트워킹 배선을 잘라 버렸다는 것을 알 수 있었습니다. 그래서 데이터 잭이 있었고 고객은 그것이 작동했다고 들었지만, 우리는 사무실 전체를 다시 배선할 것입니다. 저는 사전 약속 없이 약 3분 이내에 이를 식별할 수 있었습니다.
처음에는 기기 비용에 겁이 났어요. 그 사용을 정당화할 수 없을 것 같았습니다. 하지만 구매하고 나니 시간이 많이 절약되었어요. 가방에 넣고 다니는 도구와 저의 작업 절차가 간소해졌어요. 기기 사용은 매우 간단합니다. 매우 직관적이에요. 정말 마음에 들어요.
Name: Malaki Lewis
Title: Commissioning Officer
Company: Cinemassive Displays LLC
I chose CableIQ over the competitors because of its ease of use, its simplicity, as well as Fluke’s customer service. I’ve never been in a situation in which something was going on with any of my Fluke equipment, especially my CableIQ, where I couldn’t call customer service and be able to get on time help and service when I needed it. The product and the company that is behind it, is just amazing.
One of my funniest stories was I was out in the desert on a government site and we were trying to get a reading on a link on some cables that we were using to put together surveillance cameras and we kept using the older, another brand’s, and we could never get it right. Every time we would go in to pull the readings, they would say we were fine and we were under the amount of link that we needed, but we just could never get the cameras to work. So, when I finally came onsite and was able to use the CableIQ, I put it on and found out we were 40’ off of what we needed to do. Clients were a lot happier with that because we were able to relocate everything, and everything works. So I just love my tool.
I would recommend CableIQ to some who is on the fence if they’re looking for something that will save them time, which is a great investment that they know they’ll have for years to come. Something that can be really help them, especially with troubleshooting out in the field or even just basic installations. It’s the most superior piece of equipment that you could have on the market as a technician.
View Malaki's Testimonial Video »
Name: David Mrazik
Title: Owner, Specialist in Home Automation and Networking
Company: David AV
I don’t go into a situation blind anymore. I’m confident that this is going to tell me something. I’m faster at what I’m doing. I’m most certainly more confident.
‘What was life like before CableIQ?’ I was blind. I didn’t know what I was doing. I would go to a cable and have to go through different processes of elimination to make sure the cables were terminated properly. Since then, life is way better with the CableIQ.
I tell everybody, CableIQ, you gotta have one of these. Just invest in it. Just do it. It is the best way to go.
View David's Testimonial Video »
Name: Josh Taylor
Title: IT Client Support Specialist
Company: Future Digital 360
I wanted to give my insight on the tool because I enjoy it so much. This literally made life so much easier with pulls and our ability to do more cable pulls than before we had the tool.
been able to troubleshoot customers’ existing cables until we had this tool. I keep using the Fluke brand because the quality is there every time as well as the features.
Name: Dalton Parker
Title: Chief Technology Officer
Company: TVS Pro
This product will easily pay for itself in reducing your troubleshooting time alone.
Before we had the Fluke CableIQ Qualification Tester, we were constantly reacting to failures. We would be pulling cables; we would be terminating onsite. But until we had that notification from the customer, it was us reacting to those failures which resulted in additional site visits, additional truck roles, and additional time that we were paying for our technicians to resolve the issues.
It’s significantly increased our success rate and overall customer experience is greater having these certified cables installed.
View Dalton's Testimonial Video »
Name: Anthony Asselta
Title: Director of Information Technology
Company: Kurt Weiss Greenhouses, Inc.
The first time we used it we got our ROI back on the CableIQ.
Most of the testing I do is for intermittent troubleshooting issues. When you have an intermittent issue, you don’t always know where to look first. Those intermittent issues are the biggest value add for me.
My problem before I bought the CableIQ was we were dealing with a cabling vendor that had strapped a large bundle of cable to a garage door, and when the garage door opened, all the cables were stretched. We saw a problem. But the cable vendor was testing with a basic tester and they didn’t see the same issue as us. We bought the CableIQ and we found that the gigabit connection for our CAT6 cables was strained and had to be replaced. My cabling company disputed us heavily up until I gave them the full readout that I downloaded and sent over to them. The dispute ended right then and there.
So instantly, the first time we used it we got our ROI back on the CableIQ.
View Anthony's Testimonial Video »