Versiv™ Release Notes for Version 6.12 - DSX CableAnalyzer
Versiv™ Release Notes for Version 6.12 (September 2024)
This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer™, DSX-602 CableAnalyzer™, CertiFiber Pro®, OptiFiber Pro® modules, FI-1000 FiberInspector™ Pro and FI-3000 FiberInspector™ Ultra. Instructions on how to update your units can be found here
- You MUST use LinkWare PC 11.5 or later to be fully compatible with Versiv™ Version 6.12.
- You MUST use FI-3000 Version 2.2.1 or later to be compatible with IEC 61300-3-35 ED 3 limits.
- You MUST use Versiv Version 6.9 or later to be compatible with newly manufactured DSX-8000 modules.
- You MUST use Versiv Version 6.10 or later to be compatible with newly manufactured DSX-5000 modules.
- Added ‘calibration expiring warning’ message starting 30 days prior to expiration.
Feature enhancements while using CertiFiber Pro
- Added warning to CFP if TRC verification length is 0 meters.
Improved navigation during Set Ref workflow between TRC verification and fiber inspection
- Fiber Inspection button added to Set Ref Wizard on CertiFiber Pro
- Start Over button added after Set Ref Warning appears.
Cable / Spec Database Changes
Added Limits:
IEC 613000-3-35-ED3 – Fiber Inspection Edition 3
- Defect identified and graded .
- Fiber Inspection will not fail if overall optical test performance passes per the standard.
IEC 613000-3-35-ED3 – Fiber Inspection Edition 3
Updated Limits:
- Added VW Group 2-pair IE E2E
- Added VW Group 4-pair IE E2E
- Japanese JIS test limits available in a single menu
- Updated YD/T1019-2013 to reflect current limit changes.
- Updated 11801-9909 to reflect current limit changes.
Added Cables
- Added Siemens Simatic Net Cables to the cable library.
- Added Kerpen Cables to the cable library.
- Added Protec.Net cables to the cable library.
- Added Solarix cables to the cable library.
- Added OFS Fiber cables in the cable library.
- Added GameChanger cables in the cable library.
- Added OCC Copper Cables
- Updated Leviton / BerkTek cables per vendor request
- Updated Excel cables per vendor request
Versiv™ Release Notes for Version 6.11 Build 2 (November 2023)
This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer™, DSX-602 CableAnalyzer™, CertiFiber Pro®, OptiFiber Pro® modules, FI-1000 FiberInspector™ Pro and FI-3000 FiberInspector™ Ultra. Instructions on how to update your units can be found here
참고: • You MUST use LinkWare PC 11.3 or later to be fully compatible with Versiv™ Version 6.11. • You MUST use Versiv Version 6.9 or later to be compatible with newly manufactured DSX-8000 modules. • You MUST use Versiv Version 6.10 or later
V6.11 Build 2 Features/Enhancements
Cable / Spec Database Changes:
Added Limits
- IEC 14763-3:2024 Draft
- JIS X5153
- Superior Essex PowerWise® 1G and 10G
Updated Limits
- JIS (+All) now equivalent to ISO limits for TCL on shielded cables
- Removed obsolete TIA-568.3-D-1
Added Cables:
- 3C3
- Ekivalan
- Windy City Wire
Updated Cables:
- Removed obsolete TrueCables folder
- Updated Berk-Tek and Leviton cables
- Updated HCS-DataLink cables
Versiv™ Release Notes for Version 6.9 Build 2 (April 2023)
You MUST use LinkWare PC 11.2 or later be compatible with Versiv™ (TFS) Version 6.9.
You MUST use Versiv Version 6.9 or later to be compatible with newly manufactured DSX-8000 modules.
V6.9 Build 2 Features/Enhancements
Cable / Spec Database Changes:
- ISO MPTL (Modular Plug Terminated Link) and DAC (Direct Attach Channel) limits now report error for an incompatible LIA (Link Interface Adapter)
Added Cables:
- ALANTEC S/FPT cat 7A (now under the A-LAN TECHNOLOGIE group)
- LUX (copper and fiber)
- RiT Tech
- trueCABLE Indoor and Outdoor & Burial
Updated Cables:
- Giganet
Versiv™ Release Notes for Version 6.8 Build 6 (October 2022)
This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer™, DSX-602 CableAnalyzer™, CertiFiber Pro®, OptiFiber Pro® modules, FI-1000 FiberInspector™ Pro and FI-3000 FiberInspector™ Ultra. Instructions on how to update your units can be found here
참고: You MUST use LinkWare PC 11.2 or later be compatible with Versiv™ (TFS) Version 6.8.
V6.8 Build 6 Features/Enhancements
Cable / Spec Database Changes:
- TIA-568.3-E fiber limits added
- E2E Limits for 11801-3 Amd 1 added
- ISO/IEC TR 11801-9909 added
- 25GBASE-T added (IEEE 802.3bq)
- 40GBASE-T added (IEEE 802.3bq)
- Updated JIS X5150:2016 limits to JIS X5150:2021
- Updated CertiFiber Pro JIS X5150:2016 limit to same as ISO/IEC 14763-3:2014
- Belden Long Reach Limits added (please contact Belden for details)
- Updated TCL noise floor for TIA Cable (+All Limits)
Added Cables:
- CobiCabling
- Derwiser
- Gaestopas
- Huber & Suhner
- Tinifiber
- trueCable
- ZVK Easylan
- Zemec
- Zhejiang
Updated Cables:
- Alantec
- Berk-Tek
- Brand-Rex (Removed at request of Leviton)
- Cleerline
- Eurolan
- Excel
- Leviton
- Paige Datacom/Game Changer
- Superior Essex
- When using the CertiFiber Pro set to bi-directional for LC, FC or ST, the tester will wait 3 seconds before automatically start testing again after the cables are swapped. We have increased this to 5 seconds for higher density panels, where it can take more than three seconds to fully engage the connector. To disable this feature, simply select General as the fiber connector type.
- Allow a 3-jumper reference for the IEC 14763-3 limit
버그 수정:
- When selecting a CertiFiber Pro or OptiFiber Pro module, you don’t get a choice of End Type for the fiber inspection test - fixed
- OTDR bi-directional averaging incorrectly groups widely spaced losses – fixed
- OTDR can misreport launch event as a hidden event (rare) - fixed
Versiv™ Release Notes for Version 6.7 Build 1 (October 2021)
This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer™, DSX-602 CableAnalyzer™, CertiFiber Pro®, OptiFiber Pro® modules,
FI-1000 FiberInspector™ Pro and FI-3000 FiberInspector™ Ultra.
Instructions on how to update your units can be found here
참고: You MUST use LinkWare PC 10.9 or later be compatible with Versiv™ (TFS) Version 6.7.
V6.7 Build 1 Features/Enhancements
• Resolves a hardware compatibility issue with new DSX-5000/DSX-8000 adapters
Versiv™ Release Notes for Version 6.6 Build 2 (April 2021)
This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer™, DSX-602 CableAnalyzer™, CertiFiber Pro®, OptiFiber Pro® modules, FI-1000 FiberInspector™ Pro and FI-3000 FiberInspector™ Ultra.
Instructions on how to update your units can be found here
참고: You MUST use LinkWare PC 10.8 to be compatible with Versiv™ (TFS) Version 6.6
New Features/Enhancements:
Cable / Spec Database Changes:
- Added Prysmian GenSpeed EfficienC limits
- Added Superior Essex limits
- Made TCL Info only for current ISO11801-9907 DA Class D, E, and Ea and added a (+ALL) option
- Updated MPTL (+PoE) limits to include pass/fail values for Loop Resistance
- Added ISO MPTL Limits
- Updated ISO 11801 Class D noise floors for NEXT and PSNEXT
- Corrected the TCL noise floor for TIA 100m (LA) (+ALL) Limits
- Updates to E2E limits to current Published version
- Updated CommScope Copper cables
- Updated DINTEK cables
- Updated InfraLan cables
- Updated Krugel cables
- Updated LEONI Kerpen GmbH cables
- Updated QUBIX cables
- Adjusted the NVP value on the cable ‘1150 S/FTP Kat7A Simplex 9301 1130’ from Cobinet
- Added Wavenet cables
- Added Resideo Genesis cables
- Added Amphenol FCI cables
- Added Excel cables
- Added Techline cables
- Added Emiter brand cables
Versiv™ Release Notes for Version 6.5 Build 5 (February 2020)
New Features/Enhancements
- Single fiber support for the FI-3000 FiberInspector™ Ultra fiber inspection probe
- Allow Versiv Versiv1/Versiv2 testing
- Ability to measure power at 1490 nm or 1625 nm with CertiFiber Pro
Cable / Spec Database Changes:
- Added new / updated current Korean Emblem standards
- Restored the Cat xx Mod 1-Conn Perm. Link limits
- Added Cleerline brand cabling
- Added ORingNetworking (Turkey) cables
- Updated Belden cables
- Added Mohawk brand cables
- Added Nexans Industrial Ethernet cables
버그 수정
- Fixed end face analysis when using the FI-1000 LCAPC bulkhead tip
- Corrected HDTDX graph for longer (~30 m) links on Cat8 test
- Error is now generated if Custom Test Group is selected when doing coax testing
- Corrected Traditional Chinese translation of "Memory Status" in the Tools menu
- Threshold values no longer remain set after changing from manual to auto PON OTDR
- Splitter entries no longer remain set after changing from manual to auto PON OTDR
- DSX-602 Remote will now upgrade DSX-602 Main
- Wire Map with crossover and shield short shows wrong pinouts
- The Wire Map for M12 connectors has the wrong pins identified
- Update the adhesive zone ring size for FiberInspector images
- FaultMap returns BAD LOSS THRESHOLD error
Versiv Release Notes for Version 6.4 Build 4 (October 2019)
This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer™, DSX-602 CableAnalyzer™, CertiFiber Pro®, OptiFiber Pro® modules, FI-1000 FiberInspector™ Pro and FI-3000 FiberInspector™ Pro.
참고: You MUST use LinkWare PC 10.4 to be compatible with Versiv (TFS) Version 6.4.
- New Features/Enhancements
- Support for the FI-3000 FiberInspector™ Pro MPO fiber inspection probe
Cable / Spec Database Changes:
- Removed Cat xx Mod 1-Conn Perm. 링크
- Belden Long Reach Channel limit added to the Vendor group
- Cat8 TCL and ELTCTL limits updated to 568.2-D standard
- Updated limits in the Aus-NZ Region Test Group
Changed CommScope Link Loss Calculator uncertainty value to 0.25 dB for multimode fiber products
- Added Lan-Com's Gig-Lan cables
- Added SOLARIX cables
- Updated GIGAMEDIA (Conectis) cables
버그 수정
Corrected connector compensation when using the DSX-CHA-5-IX adapter with the following limits
- ISO 11801-9907 Class D/E/EA
Cat 5e and Cat 6 Patch Cords|
Removed warning when DSX-CHA-5-IX adapter is used with legitimate cross-connected adapters
Corrected the default coax limit on the DSX-600
Corrected the SAMPLE wire map on Outlet Configuration screen when a shielded cable is selected
Versiv Release Notes for Version 6.3 Build 3 (August 2019)
This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer™, CertiFiber Pro®, OptiFiber Pro®, OptiFiber Pro® HDR modules, and FI‐7000.
참고: You MUST use LinkWare PC 10.3 to be compatible with Versiv (TFS) Version 6.3 Build 3.
- New Features/Enhancements:
- Introduction of the DSX-602
- Added German keyboard layout
- Cable / Spec Database Changes:
- Added 5GBASE-T and 2.5GBASE-T limits to DSX-600/602
- Added ISO TR 11801-9907 Direct Attach limits
- Corrected IEC 61300-3-35 ED.2 APC
- Added and amend CCM Cables database (new NVP values and two new cables)
- Updated Berk-Tek and Nexans cables
- Bug Fixes
- OptiFiber Pro HDR event detection and measurement improvements
Versiv Release Notes for Version 6.2 Build 1 (May 2019)
This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer™, CertiFiber Pro®, OptiFiber Pro®, OptiFiber Pro® HDR modules, and FI‐7000.
참고: You MUST use LinkWare PC 10.2 to be compatible with Versiv (TFS) Version 6.2 Build 1.
1. New Features/Enhancements
- Copper Single-Ended Spool testing support
- Improve OTDR auto-test performance
- Cable / Spec Database Changes:
- Added limits for Ericsson RDS/DAS spec in Vendor folder
- Add TCL and ELTCTL limits to the 100 m cable testing options
- Added manufacturer ICC cables to cable database
2. 버그 수정
- Reliability improvements
Versiv Release Notes for Version 6.1 Build 3 (Jan. 2019)
This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer™, CertiFiber Pro®, OptiFiber Pro® modules and FI‐7000.
Instructions on how to update your units can be found here.
참고: You MUST use LinkWare PC 10.1 to be compatible with Versiv (TFS) Version 6.1 Build 3.
New Features / Enhancements:
- OTDR Span feature allows user to specify span over which limits apply
- OTDR Event editing feature allows user to change a Loss Event into an APC connector
- M12 X-code channel adapter support
- Cable / Spec Database Changes:
- Reordered the list of ISO classes
- Added 10BASE-T1L limits
- Added TCL/ELTCTL to pass/fail of ISO PL and CH limits for screened cabling
- Moved BCT-B limits to 11801 and updated
- Added MPTL +PoE limits
- Updated first and last connector loss values to reflect new TIA-568.3-D-1 values
- Updated cables for Telegaertner
- Added Cat 8 cable from Leviton
- Added copper cables from Wirewerx
- Changed Norden folder name
- Updated cables for OCC
- Added NEXXT Solutions cablesAdded Cat 8 cables from Datwyler
Bug Fixes:
- OptiFiber Pro HDR event detection and measurement improvements
- Allow M12 D-code in applicable TIA limits and Profinet 2Pr E2E limit
- Transportation limits removed from DSX-600
- OTDR Event Map and trace plot corrections
- Removed Quick Test as an Averaging Time in Manual PON OTDR settings
- Improved copper RL Channel measurement
- Corrected translation in CertiFiber Pro Korean fiber standards
- Improved coax measurement using RG-11
- Corrected Cat6 Self-Test in DSX-8000
- Corrected launch/tail/loopback cord entry with “0,0” numeric format
- Reliability improvements
Versiv Release Notes for Version 6.0 Build 6 (Oct. 2018)
You MUST install LinkWare PC 10.0 before updating your Versiv (TFS) to Version 6.0 Build 6.
This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer™, CertiFiber Pro®, OptiFiber Pro® modules and FI‐7000.
Instructions on how to update your units can be found here
- New Features/Enhancements
OptiFiber Pro® HDR OTDR
- The OptiFiber Pro® HDR OTDR is a high dynamic range OTDR suitable for testing single-mode passive optical networks. The OptiFiber Pro® HDR OTDR is the latest addition to the Versiv™ Cable Certification Family, continuing the Fluke Networks tradition of designing products to help data communications installers more quickly, accurately and profitably achieve system acceptance for copper and fiber jobs.
- Optimized for FTTx/PON testing through splitters up to nx128
- High dynamic range up to 42 dB
- 다수의 파장이 다양한 응용 분야를 지원합니다. 850, 1300, 1310, 1490,1550,1625 nm
- Splitter detection for automated discovery of splitters and their ratios. Up to three cascaded splitters may be found or manually configured
OptiFiber Pro® Series OTDR
- Macrobend detection when testing single-mode fibers with OTDR
- OTDR Event Edit function provides the ability edit or add events – Add 0 dB events, such as perfect splices, not seen by the OTDR or change an event to the correct type: APC 커넥터, 스플라이스(융착) 또는 손실 이벤트.
- OTDR Expert Manual mode, allows the user to quickly experiment with range, pulse width, averaging time and wavelength settings to uncover details of interest
- Cable / Spec Database Change
TIA 568.2-D / Draft ISO 61935-2 Patch Cord
- Updated to the latest published / proposed standards. Includes a reduction in NEXT requirement for the 36-45 pair combination
TIA 568D.2 / IEC 11801-1
- Update the ohmic noise floor for resistance unbalanced per current standards
Korean Emblem Channel
- Updated name of the Korean channel specs
GameChanger™ Channel
- Added the GameChanger™ channel specs from Paige Datacom
Added / Updated cables from the following manufacturers.
- 3M
- Acome
- Brand-Rex
- ID
- Infinilink Technologies
- LAPP-Kabbel
- Leviton
- Molex
- Nexans
- Nordenco
- Paige Datacom
- Rodgers Communications
- Schrack Technik
- Siemens SIMATIC
- Bug Fixes
- Enhanced limits for the shield integrity algorithm
- Improved keyboard performance
- Improved response time as more projects are added
Versiv (TFS) Release Notes for Version 5.6 Build 5 (July 2018)
You MUST install LinkWare PC 9.9 before updating your Versiv (TFS) to Version 5.6 Build 5.
This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer™, CertiFiber Pro®, OptiFiber Pro® modules, the FI‐7000 and DSX-600 CableAnalyzer™ .
Instructions on how to update your units can be found here.
- New Features / Enhancements
- Support for a new version of the GG45 adapter for the DSX-8000
- Cable / Spec Database Change
- JIS X5151 Fiber Standard
ISO 11801-9905 standard
- Added +All
- Added +PoE
- Existing limits with +All
- Updated spec names in the database
- Generic Cat6A S/FTP
Added or updated cables from the following manufacturers:
- MMC Multimedia Connect
- Molex
- Vertical Cable
- BKT Elektronik
- Betts Telecom (Voice 4 pair Test Limit)
- Hubbell (added copper cables / update fiber cables)
- General Cables
- Furukawa
- InfraLan
- DATWYLER (Update request)
- EFB Elektronik GmB
- Ultima
- Nikomax Limited
- 버그 수정
- Loss budget calculations for two and three jumper references were updated for the ANSI/TIA-568.3-D
- ISO E2E limits are incorrectly applying the TCL and ELCTCL limits to screened cabling
- Set the default to "on" for Bi-directional tests in Smartloop OTDR
- Added "Cat 7 S/FTP" to default 'last used' list
- Support "Profinet 2pr E2E" Hybrid M12 RJ45 without warning
Versiv (TFS) Release Notes for Version 5.5 Build 2 (March 2018)
You MUST install LinkWare PC 9.9 before updating your Versiv (TFS) to Version 5.5 Build 2.
This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer™, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer™, CertiFiber Pro®, OptiFiber Pro® modules, the FI‐7000 and DSX-600 CableAnalyzer™ .
Instructions on how to update your units can be found here.
- New Features/Enhancements
- Implemented loss budget calculator to simplify using the SYSTIMAX solutions from CommScope
- Added cables/limits for customers installing 4K HDBaseT solutions from Belden
- Added cable/limits for customers installing the PowerWise + Clarity solution from Legrand + Superior Essex
- Support for a new version of the GG45 adapter for the DSX-5000
- Support for new Tera Permanent Link and Channel adapters for the DSX-8000
- Improvements to the LWL sync process to support project and sub-project
- Cable / Spec Database Change
Generic OM5 fiber
- Added a generic OM5 fiber
CommScope cables and limits
- Added LazrSPEED Wideband OM5 fiber
- Added SYSTIMAX limits
Belden cables and limits
- Added 4K UHD media cables
- Updated the 4K UHD limits
Legrand + Superior Essex
- Added PowerWise/Clarity cables
- Added PowerWise/Clarity 1G & 10G limits
ISO 11801-9905
- Added limits to support the new standard
- 버그 수정
- DC shield test fails when using a Permanent Link adapter on main and a Patch adapter on remote.
- With AC Wiremap enabled, there is no “Measure” option when remote is not connected.
- Low frequency Return Loss errors are being introduced when measurement range is 600MHz and below.
- Set Reference does not work when using TERA permanent link or channel adapters.
- Popup to set manual fiber grading not closing when DONE is pressed.
- Change project screen displays overlapping text
- Reduced the likelihood of NEXT failures when conducting channel tests
- New fiber inspection cameras fail good end-faces
- Double tap on test setup screen causes tester to reboot
Versiv (TFS) Release Notes for Version 5.2 Build 1 (Sept, 2017)
Issue Resolved:
When there are >500 (approx.) test results stored in a project, viewing the results can hang and reboot the tester.
Release v5.2 Build 1 resolves this issue.
Versiv (TFS) Release Notes for Version 5.1 Build 4 (May, 2017)
New Features/Enhancements
- New status of “Acceptable” for Category 6A patch cord tests
- Ability to update software from LinkWare Live when the incompatible versions message is displayed
- Support for the use of the DSX-PLA001 adapter on the DSX-8000 module
Cable / Spec Database Change
- EL-3600 limits--Updated to match latest revision (version 9) from the Taiwan standards body
- IEC 61300-3-35 2nd Edition--Added fiber limits per the specification
- TIA-568.3-D
- Updated to account for standard grade TRC's
- Patch Cord Limits
- Added >20m TIA C6A cord Limits
- Added >20m ISO Cat5e, Cat6 and Cat6A patch cord Limits
- TIA MPTL Limits - Modular Plug Terminated Links--Implemented limits for the new topology introduced in TIA- 568.2-D (Draft) Standard
- GB50312 - China National Standard--Updated the limits to the newest version
- Added Huawei Cat5e Channel limits
- Added Belden’s 4K UHD Media Cable Channel limits
- Added Extron Limits
- Added Alcadon ECS copper cables
Bug Fixes
- Talk does not work using the coax adapter or when using the Main as Smart Remote
- The Versiv / LinkWareLive sync slowed down considerably with version V5.0
- LinkWare Live sync generates error when trying to overwrite a random label set with > 1300 ID’s
- Corrected Japanese translations
- Aborting OTDR test occasionally hangs then reboots the tester
Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 5.0 Build 3 (January 2017)
1. New Features/Enhancements
- DSX-8000 CableAnalyzer™
- The DSX-8000 CableAnalyzer™ is the first field tester independently verified and endorsed to meet all the requirements for the Category 8 field testing standard. DSX-8000이 Versiv™ 배선 인증 제품군에 최근에 추가되어, 데이터 통신 설치 업체가 구리선로 및 광케이블 작업에 대한 시스템 승인을 보다 빠르고 정확하게 하여 높은 수익성을 달성하도록 도와주기 위해 설계된 Fluke Networks 제품의 전통을 이어받게 됐습니다.
- Patch Cord Testing Enhancements
- Option to turn Bi-Directional testing ON or OFF
- Option to disable HDTDX/R (Available for all tests)
- Option to prevent unsaved test result warning from being displayed (Available for all tests)
- Long communications on the DSX-5000
- Enables testing copper links up to 1km (Typically used for spool testing)
- Automatically switches communications mode based on cable length
- Looping single-tests no longer stop when remote is connected or disconnected
- Prevent resistance unbalance measurements when using a bi-directional lab adapter
- Reminder to update remote unit when a software update is installed on the main
- Ability to set launch compensation from the home screen
2. Cable / Spec Database Change
- TIA Cat 8, ISO/IEC Class I
- Extended the limits to cover the full 2 GHz range
- IEEE 802.3bz is now officially 2.5GBASE-T & 5GBASE-T
- Now that the limits are official, removed ‘Draft’ from the name
- Corning Optical Communications
- Changed name that is listed under ‘manufacturers’
- Custom CertiFiber Pro® Test Limit
- Default fiber loss @ 850 nm changed from 3.5 dB/km to 3.0 dB/km
- TIA‐568.3‐D updated
- Multimode Test Cord Attenuation Allowance (dB) = 0.30 dB
- ISO/IEC Class C through Class FA (+All)
- TCL and ELTCTL curves are informational for screened cables
- Added copper limits that extend length to 305 m.
- Based on the 100m ISO limits of the same category
- DE Eval Cat 5e 305m (LA)
- DE Eval Cat 6 305m (LA)
- DE Eval Cat 6A 305m (LA)
- DE Eval Cat 7 305m (LA)
- DE Eval Cat 7A 305m (LA)
- DSX-REFMOD 5000 and DSX-REFMOD 8000 added for DSX CableAnalyzer™ Series
3. 버그 수정
- Reflectance value for APC is now reported as less than the minimum detectable reflectance value rather than “NA”
- FAIL LED no longer flashes during software update on remote unit
- Corrected German translation
Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.8 Build 1 (June 2016)
1. 버그 수정
- For DSX patch cord adapters only, Return Loss measurement issue reported - fixed
Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.7 Build 4 (June 2016)
1. New features/enhancements
SYNC button for LinkWare Live added to HOME screen
- Once results are sent to LinkWare Live, you can import them into LinkWare PC
- In LinkWare PC, they appear the same as if you had connected via a USB cable
2. Cable / Spec Database Change
Updated test limits:
- BNT NBR 14565 (Brazilian) standards added for DSX CableAnalyze
- JIS X5150:2016 replaces JIS X5150-2004
- Added Automotive limits under a new folder - Transportation
- Are you a manufacturer wanting to add your cables to the DSX/CertiFiber Pro and OptiFiber Pro? Click here for details.
3. 버그 수정
- Pinch and zoom can result in the “Asset Tracking Is On” screen appearing – fixed
- DSX frequency plot cursor will not move to the maximum frequency tested/displayed – fixed
- When deleting all results, if there is more than 1250 results, not all results are deleted – fixed
Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.6 Build 2 (March 2016)
1. New features/enhancements
Patch cord certification times reduced
- Category 6A ≈ 12 seconds (NEXT and Return Loss measured in both directions)
- Category 6 ≈ 10 seconds (NEXT and Return Loss measured in both directions)
- Category 5e ≈ 10 seconds (NEXT and Return Loss measured in both directions)
- Icon added to top of the screen, notifying the user if asset tracking (location of upload) has been turned on in LinkWare Live
- New terms of agreement added for LinkWare Live when logging in for the first time
2. 버그 수정
- Some poorly terminated shield patch cords were incorrectly displayed as open - fixed
- Manual grading of FiberInspector would cause the unit to crash when saving the result - fixed
Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.5 Build 2 (January 2016)
1. New features/enhancements
- If automated copper diagnostics is available, tab displays FAULT INFO and not DIAGNOSTICS
- Remembers the last 10 Wi-Fi networks and their passwords
- You can now associate an e-mail address (LinkWare Live user name) with an operator name
Location of where Versiv was last connected to LinkWare Live (Cloud Service)
- Will be enabled in February 2016 (there will be an option to disable this in your LinkWare Live account)
- When deleting results, you will now be advised if they have not been exported
2. Cable / Spec Database Change
Updated test limits:
Copper twisted pair test limits reduced to make selection easier
- Limits with (+All) moved to their TIA or ISO folders
(+All) includes the following measurements
- Resistance Unbalance within a pair/between pairs
- 횡변환 손실(TLC)
- Equal Level Transverse Conversion Transfer Loss (ELTCTL)
- Balance Measurements folder removed
- (+PoE) and (+TCL) limits removed since (+All) is a combination of the two
- Added Class Fa (+All) limits
- Added 2.5GBASE-T and 5GBASE-T draft 1.2 limits
- Added EN50173 OF-5000 Channel
- Added EN50173 OF-10000 Channel
- Updated length limit for EN50173 Fiber Optic Link with OS2 fiber to 10,000 m
- Added Korean Pre-Deploy 250 MHz Copper Limit
- Added Chinese YD/T 1019 twisted pair cable limits – factory testing only
- Informational length limits removed from Voice -1 Pair and Voice - 2 Pair, length is still reported
Copper twisted pair test limits reduced to make selection easier
Added/updated cable types:
- DNS twisted pair cables from LANSYST added
- RdB twisted pair cables updated
- Generic U/FTP cables added
- Are you a manufacturer wanting to add your cables to the DSX/CertiFiber Pro and OptiFiber Pro? Click here for details.
3. 버그 수정
- Green pass light on remote now goes out when disconnecting from main unit
- Looping copper tests longer than 10 minutes with a Wi-Fi dongle installed no longer causes a
- Connecting hardware test no longer fails Wire Map – this is for use in laboratories only
- TIA Cat 6 (+All) test limit now applies a hard pass/fail to TCL and ELTCTL limits
In Portuguese, changed the following:
- Apenas para Aprovado / Reprovado* to Apenas para Aprovado* / Reprovado
- Da Ordem de Compra to Separador Decimal
- Various translation issues
Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.3 Build 6 (September 2015)
1. New features/enhancements
- Main unit can be turned into a remote unit (under the TOOLS menu) – allows FiberInspector at far end to be used
- Resistance Unbalance between pairs added per draft 1.0 of ANSI/TIA-1152-A for all limits with (+PoE) and (+ALL)
- Custom Outlet Configuration added – no longer need to select TIA-1005 limit for a two pair test
- Automated software updates via LinkWare Live for future releases
- Increase Cable ID sets from 20 to 50
- Support for Unicode characters in Cable IDs
- Add the ability to show password when logging into LinkWare Live
- Screen resumes quicker after going to sleep
2. Cable / Spec Database Change
Updated test limits:
- (+PoE) and (+All) limits now report Resistance Unbalance between pairs
IEEE 802.3bt added under Application folder
- 10GBASE-T + 802.3bt Draft 1.1
- 1000BASE-T + 802.3bt Draft 1.1
- 100BASE-TX + 802.3bt Draft 1.1
- 10BASE-T + 802.3bt Draft 1.1
(+PoE) versions of BICSI modified single connector permanent link added under application folder
- Cat 5e Mod 1-Conn Perm. 링크 (+PoE)
- Cat 6 Mod 1-Conn Perm. 링크 (+PoE)
- Cat 6A Mod 1-Conn Perm. 링크 (+PoE)
- Add 40GBASE-ER4 noting that it has a minimum and well as maximum loss value
- Measure ALL for laboratory technicians now applies local connector compensation for DSX-CHA004
- Connector limits added for laboratory technicians under Other folder
- End to End link support for standards bodies working on ISO/IEC 11801-99-2 Working Draft 3
Added cable types:
- DIGITUS Professional
- Leviton – Outside US
- Maxaam
Updated cable types:
- Belden
- Berk-Tek
- Excel
3. 버그 수정
- Manual Entry launch fiber compensation was recorded as Launch + Tail – fixed (Requires LinkWare 9.4 too)
- Real time trace deletes launch compensation for SmartLoop - fixed
- Cable IDs lists created in LinkWare using extended characters would result in a failed import to Versiv - fixed
Shield integrity test should only be carried out on links with four pairs – fixed
- If there is less than four pairs, a traditional dc shield test is carried out
- Re-test on fiber bi-directional could point to the incorrect fiber for resaving - fixed
- Single Wire Map test under TOOLS does not check for split pairs – fixed
- Removing an adapter deleted an unsaved result – fixed
- Battery status may show a depleted battery when the battery still has plenty of charge (rare occurrence) – fixed
- OptiFiber Pro may misalign a trace with virtual launch event (rare occurrence) - fixed
- Unplugging the USB camera after the manual grading visual quality box is displayed causes a crash – fixed
- Removing the CertiFiber Pro during the 3 sec. fiber test and re-inserting it issues a requires service message – fixed
- Blank select wireless list using Asus N10 Nano Wi-Fi adapter – fixed
- After successful URL redirect when connecting to a Wi-Fi hotspot, user was presented with “3.0” – fixed
- Various translation fixes
Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.2 Build 6 (April 2015)
1. Bug fix
- Customers updating from Version 2.1 Build 5 (August 2013) or earlier had problems with their fiber modules firmware being updated with Build 5. Build 6 resolves that issue. There are no other changes between Build 5 and Build 6. For customers who keep their units current, there is no issue.
Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.2 Build 5 (April 2015)
1. New features/enhancements
- Automated IEC 61300‐3‐35 FiberInspector test time now ≈ 1 second
Additions to automated diagnostics (FAULT INFO) for the DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer:
- Insertion Loss fails due to lubricant
- Return Loss fails due to water in the cable
- Location of DC contact resistance issue when Return Loss fails
Support for additional Wi‐Fi USB adapters:
- TP‐LINK TL‐WN725N (Versions 1 & 2)
- ASUS USB N10 Nano
- Wi‐Fi user‐access support (URL redirection and HTTP authentication)

Enhance network connectivity screens:
- Access point strength
- Locked and unlocked access points now displayed
- MAC address of both RJ45 management Port and Wi‐Fi USB adapters
- Improvement to the WEP configuration screen
- PASS* result now shows FIX LATER/TEST AGAIN option
- Allow non T568A and T568B Outlet Configurations for patch cord certification
Improved calibration reminders:
- The initial calibration reminder for a module shipped from the factory will be one year after first use, but no more than 18‐months after the manufactured date in LinkWare PC Version 9.3.
2. Cable / Spec Database Change
Updated test limits:
- TIA Coax limit now runs to 1002 MHz.
Added cable types:
- Linxcom Limited LAN Cables
Changed names:
- Spezialkabel München becomes SKM Skyline
3. 버그 수정
- Various translation fixes
- Crash when running Wire Map in Single Test after using the TALK feature ‐ Fixed
- Coax length is greyed out – Fixed
Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.1 Build 2 (March 2015)
1. Cable / Spec Database Change
- ISO/IEC 14763-3:2014 updated
Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.0 Build 3 (November 2014)
1. Cable / Spec Database Change
- Added test limits Measure ALL - this will make every measurement possible to 1 GHz
- Various Coax limits
Added cable types
2. 새로운 기능
- Automated diagnostics (FAULT INFO) for the DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer
Support for new adapters (Available Dec 2014):
- DSX-CHA021 M12 D-Code
- DSX-CHA012 GG45
- Improved upload speed for LinkWare Live
- If remote is not detected after ≈ 4 seconds, MEASURE option appears to allow a single ended measurement
- Moved the @ symbol to the front of keyboard
- Added # and + to the keyboard
- Allow RJ45 to M12 patch cord testing (Requires DSX-PC5ES and DSX-CHA021 adapters)
- Project Sync ready for LinkWare Live Professional (Jan 2015)
3. 버그 수정
- Various translation fixes
- Put units in TALK mode, running Wire Map under Single Tests causes a crash – fixed
- No valid DNS would result in “LinkWare Live not available”, now results in “Error, please connect to an active network”
- Could not cancel large transfers to LinkWare Live – fixed
- Channel testing a < 0.6 m cord results in the adapter compensation being disabled – fixed
- Sequential IDs longer than 30 characters indicate ID not in list – fixed
4. Reported issues
- Enabling the talk function, then running Wire Map as a single test under TOOLS > Single tests, causes the unit to crash - fixed for next Version.
Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.0 Build 3 (November 2014)
1. Cable / Spec Database Change
Added test limits
Measure ALL - this will make every measurement possible to 1 GHz
No limit lines or checking for a bad patch cord at the channel adapters
Intended for those working in laboratories with the DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer - Various Coax limits
Measure ALL - this will make every measurement possible to 1 GHz
- Added cable types
Are you a manufacturer wanting to add your cables to the DSX/CertiFiber Pro and OptiFiber Pro? Click here for details.
2. 새로운 기능
- Automated diagnostics (FAULT INFO) for the DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer
Support for new adapters (Available Dec 2014):
- DSX-CHA021 M12 D-Code
- DSX-CHA012 GG45
- Improved upload speed for LinkWare Live
- If remote is not detected after ≈ 4 seconds, MEASURE option appears to allow a single ended measurement
- Moved the @ symbol to the front of keyboard
- Added # and + to the keyboard
- Allow RJ45 to M12 patch cord testing (Requires DSX-PC5ES and DSX-CHA021 adapters)
- Project Sync ready for LinkWare Live Professional (Jan 2015)
3. 버그 수정
- Various translation fixes
- Put units in TALK mode, running Wire Map under Single Tests causes a crash – fixed
- No valid DNS would result in “LinkWare Live not available”, now results in “Error, please connect to an active network”
- Could not cancel large transfers to LinkWare Live – fixed
- Channel testing a < 0.6 m cord results in the adapter compensation being disabled – fixed
- Sequential IDs longer than 30 characters indicate ID not in list – fixed
Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 3.0 Build 6 (May 2014)
1. Cable / Spec Database Change
Added test limits
- ISO C6 Cable 100m (LA)
- ISO C6 PCable 100m (LA)
- ISO C5e Cable 100m (LA)
- Draft TIA Cat 6A Patch Cord limits
- Updated test limits
- ISO C5ePCable 100m (LA)
- ISO C6PCable 100m (LA)
- ISO C6A PCable 100m (LA)
- ISO C7 PCable 100m (LA)
- ISO C7A PCable 100m (LA)
- Korean Pre-Deploy Res. SM translation fixed
- CCT Premise
- Added cable types
Are you a manufacturer wanting to add your cables to the DSX/CertiFiber Pro and OptiFiber Pro? Click here for details.
2. 새로운 기능
- Warns user if results have not been exported if they try and delete them
Remote storage*
To enable beta testing, we have added this option to both Versiv and LinkWare.
****Remote storage will currently work for select beta customers only****
To enable beta testing, we have added this option to both Versiv and LinkWare.
- Improved pinch and zoom
3. 버그 수정
- Various translation fixes
- Incorrect display of PSNEXT for two pair tests – fixed (Requires LinkWare 9.0 too)
- SAVE option may not display on SINGLE TESTS when SCAN OFF is selected – fixed
- CONTINUE and FIX LATER options missing after Wire Map fails on AUTOTEST and SCAN ON is used – fixed
- Single ended Wire Map test would not show short to shield – fixed
- Incorrect error message when setting a reference on CertiFiber Pro if a wavelength is not present – fixed
- Product registration database in Versiv could not handle more than 100 modules – fixed
- Different IR values between wavelengths in OptiFiber Pro could result in Event Table length issues – fixed
- Currently selected test may not be visible on CHANGE TEST window – fixed
Manual Entry launch compensation can result in a too short Range setting – fixed
Module hardware version is not shown on Version Information screen – fixed - Results screen is not updated when importing results back in from a USB Drive – fixed
- After Importing results from USB Drive, tapping MANAGE button on Results screen does nothing – fixed
- On the View All screen, the TRANSFER button did not give an audible click – fixed
- Two pair copper test, view NEXT then tap < or > on either side of Pair to cause a crash – fixed
- Cable ID pop-up message stating that an ID entered that is not in list when greater than 30 characters – fixed
- Importing a new project from a USB Drive is not shown until you refresh the screen - fixed
Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 2.3 Build 2 (December 2013)
1. Cable / Spec Database Change
- Added test limits
- Cat 6A Mod 1-Conn Perm. 링크
- Profinet 2pr E2E limit
- Added cable types
- KEline
- Eurolan cable
2. 새로운 기능
- Product Registration support (via LinkWare 8.2).
- Single test / scanning troubleshooting tools for copper. (Wiremap, Length and Resistance).
- Tone Generator functionality (includes wake-up of unit on the other end).
- DSX-PLA001 support
- Patch Cord Adapter support (5e, 6 and 6A adapters coming end Q1 2014).
3. 버그 수정
- Incorrect Russian Translations - fixed
- Incorrect delay skew calculations for 2 pair applications - fixed
- DSX issues bad patch cord warning when DTX does not - fixed
- Can't run test with lab adapter spec when CHA004 channel adapter is attached - fixed
- Copper LIA Version Info should not include calibration date - fixed
Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 2.1 Build 5 (August 2013)
1. Cable / Spec Database Change
- Renamed limits ending in - PoE to (+PoE) to be consistent with other test limit names - no change in limit values
Added to cable library
- AT & T Cabling Systems
- VOKA Cable
- Updated cable library
- HCS-DataLink
- Nexans
- Datwyler
2. 새로운 기능
- Added Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Swedish and Turkish languages
3. 버그 수정
- Various language translation issues fixed