Versiv USB Connection Details and Troubleshooting
You may encounter this message when you try to connect Versiv to your PC and upload results to LinkWare PC.

When a Versiv unit connects to LinkWare PC, there is more than just a dedicated USB connection between the two for importing results. We also use the connection to enable the end user to pull down software updates when they become available and to perform online registration to the registration database.
If you see the Not connected to tester message, here are some things to check:
- Are you using the correct USB cable? It should have a micro AB USB connection on the Versiv side, and a USB A connection on the PC side. The USB A connection on Versiv is for exporting results to USB flash drive only.

Have you tried cycling power on both PC and Versiv and then try reconnecting again?
If you are not running the latest version of LinkWare PC, the next step is to uninstall LinkWare PC and reinstall with the latest version.
- User login account must have Admin rights
- PC needs to have all Windows updates applied prior to running the LinkWare PC standalone install file.
The USB drivers are contained in the full standalone installer for the program. A restart of the PC after the new installation is also recommended.
- Are you choosing the right menu item (Utilities, DSX CableAnalyzer) in LinkWare PC? Try Import from connected tester, or make sure you chose DSX Cable Analyzer as the import target.
- Is VPN running on your PC? Turn off VPN and try the import again.
- Try a different USB cable or different USB port on PC, or try a different PC.
Check the PC for USB adapter problems. If USB endpoint protection software or policies are enforced by your IT, work with them to resolve that on your PC.
Here is a look in Device Manager on a Windows 10 PC with a working USB connection to Versiv.

If the Versiv main unit will still not connect, try connecting to the remote unit to the PC and check the version under Utilities, DSX Cable Analyzer, Software Version. If it pulls the information from the remote, there may be a problem with the USB port on the main unit. If neither will connect to the PC and you have tried swapping USB ports and tried a different USB cable, contact your IT group to investigate why USB communications are not working on the PC. In our experience, it is very rare for both the Versiv main and remote to have non-working USB ports.
Unfortunately we are unable to troubleshoot USB issues on your PC.
Sometimes trying a different PC or upgrading the PC to a later OS version will resolve the issue.