SYNC Error “HTTP Status Code:” - LinkWare Live

If you encounter this error during the SYNC process from Versiv to LinkWare Live, try these steps to resolve:

  1. Make sure that you can log into LinkWare Live from the PC using your email and password.  Accept terms and conditions ensure you can see Projects.
  2. On Versiv sign out of LinkWare Live  (Tools, Sign In > Tap Sign Out)
  3. Restart Versiv.
  4. Connect to network over wired or WiFi connection (Tools > Network)
  5. Tap back, select Sign In from the Tools menu.

    Are you using your mobile phone as a hotspot?
    Tips:  If all you see is "Verifying connection," and then an error that it was unable to connect, try moving your phone closer to a better coverage area (for WiFi or data connection) and try again.
    Make sure you have configured the password correctly in Network > WiFi > Security to match what is configured for your hotspot.
    Make sure your LinkWare Live email/password is entered correctly
  6. Sign in using email and password from step 1.
  7. Select your LinkWare Live Organization (if prompted).  If you belong to more than one Organization, Versiv will present a list of Organizations eligible for SYNC.

Now you should be able to SYNC results from Versiv to LinkWare Live.

If you are still having issues syncing doublecheck the following settings.

Check the Network status for either DHCP or Static. Most networks are running DHCP, if you see WIFI STATIC try changing to DHCP.

Check the Date/Time of the tester. If your testers date/time if off, it could effect the ability to sync.