케이블링 산업 현황

101 시리즈: APC 커넥터는 무엇이며 어떻게 테스트 합니까?

The singlemode fiber connectors you likely encounter the most feature a blue connector body, but if you’re working with any passive optical networks (PONs), carrier networks or large cloud/colo or hyperscale data centers, you may encounter singlemode fiber connectors with a green connector body – and these green connectors are growing in popularity.

2018년 10월 11일

Type 3 and Type 4 are Here!

Last week the IEEE 802.3bt standard for Type 3 and Type 4 PoE was finally ratified! While we’ve been talking about these higher levels of PoE for quite some time, now that they are finally an approved standard, we thought it was a good time to clear the air on PoE types, classes, and certification, as well as provide a refresher on our specialty—testing.

2018년 10월 4일

혼합된 생각

케이블링 인프라에 관한 한 모든 미디어와 애플리케이션이 항상 같지 않습니다. 따라서 모든 링크 각각에 대해 미디어 유형과 애플리케이션 관점 모두에서 무엇을 테스트 하는지 아는 것이 중요합니다.

2018년 9월 26일

혁신 산업

Last week at the 2018 BICSI Fall Conference in San Antonio, TX, two of Fluke Networks’ solutions were chosen by a panel of top-tier cabling and communications systems specifiers, designers, integrators and managers for making groundbreaking contributions to the structured cabling industry.

2018년 9월 19일

다음주 BICSI 가을 컨퍼런스 및 전시회에서 많은 것을 배울 수 있습니다 (CEC 포함)

At the upcoming BICSI Fall Conference & Exhibition on September 9 – 13 at the Henry B. Gonzáles Convention Center, San Antonio, TX, there are plenty of opportunities to learn about the latest technologies, and Fluke Networks is excited to bring you the latest on testing everything from advanced four-pair PoE to passive optical networks (PONs).

2018년 9월 8일

와이어 맵 테스트: 색에 관한 것이 전부는 아닙니다

Virtually every Ethernet cable tester can perform a wire map test - likely the most basic test for copper network cabling. Despite being a basic test, it is actually one of the most critical. And while the pair colors of blue, orange, green and brown might help you pass wire map testing, the test itself really doesn’t care about color at all.

Let’s take a closer look.

2018년 9월 6일

200 및 400Giga의 길은 이미 포장되고 (통행 중입니다).

The increasing demand for higher bandwidth to support Big Data has driven the need for ever-increasing Ethernet speeds, starting with 10 Gig in 2004 to the introduction in 2010 of 40 Gig with 4 fibers transmitting and 4 fibers receiving at 10 Gbps (40GBASE-SR4) and 100 Gig with 10 fibers transmitting and 10 fibers receiving at 10 Gbps (100GBASE-SR10).

2018년 8월 15일

101 시리즈: 스플라이스를 하느냐 안하느냐

Fiber splicing is a method of connecting two fibers, whereby two fibers are precisely cleaved and then aligned and fused using a fusion splicing machine. The fusion of two fibers is achieved by an electric arc that essentially welds the fibers together. A mass fusion splicer welds 12-fiber together at once and is performed using 12-fiber ribbon cable.

2018년 8월 8일