케이블링 산업 현황

Testing Cabling With MPO Connectors – What’s New?

With the wide variety of standards relating to fiber optic cabling, the absence of published standards for testing fiber optic cabling terminated with MPO connectors might come as a surprise. Finally, a technical report (TR), written by this author, is scheduled for a June 2017 publication that provides such testing guidance - it is TR/IEC 61282-15. A technical report provides guidance on a subject but does not have requirements (e.g. no “shalls”) as an international standard or an ANSI/TIA standard would.

2017년 3월 8일

어떻게 차폐 무결성을 테스트합니까?

울펜슈타인 3D가 한창 유행할 때, 우리는 BICSI 컨퍼런스에서 잡음을 유도해서 Cat 5 링크 실패를 일으키는 전시를 선보였습니다. 우리는 형광등 안정기, 큰 전기 모터와 심지어 시동 걸린 자동차 엔진의 코일에 케이블을 배치하는 등의 모든 종류의 금기를 시도했지만, 링크는 실제로 오류 없는 100BASE-TX 성능을 제공했습니다. 그 시점에서, 대부분의 설치에 대해 스크린된 케이블이 많은 도움이 될 것처럼 보이지 않았습니다.

2017년 2월 15일

#ICYMI: Highlights from 2017 BICSI Winter


The 2017 BICSI Winter Conference wrapped up last week in Tampa where thousands of ICT professional from around the world had a chance to gain valuable industry knowledge and check out the latest products from nearly 180 vendors in the exhibit hall – including our new DSX-8000 CableAnalyzer.

2017년 2월 8일

The Road to a Category 8 Cable Tester

On January 23, we announced the DSX-8000 CableAnalyzer™, the first true Category 8 tester.  You may be wondering what is required for a “true” Category 8 certification tester and why we launched it now.

2017년 2월 2일

Tips to Identify Copper Clad Aluminium (CCA) Cables


So you came across some Category 6 cable available online for practically half what you've been paying for that brand name. It claims TIA-568-C compliance, includes the UL listing mark and even has a ETL verification legend printed right on the cable. Before you get too excited, you might want to make sure that cable isn't made with copper clad aluminum (CCA).

2017년 1월 18일

Goodbye 2016. You Weren’t ALL Bad


All over the news and social media, 2016 has gotten a pretty bum rap.

With everything from shootings, terrorist attacks and the weirdest presidential election in history, to exploding cell phones, scary clown threats and numerous celebrity deaths, 2016 has been denoted as the worst year ever.

2017년 1월 4일

How to Save Money and Time in Testing Fibers with SmartLoop

The only way to get correct values when performing Tier 2 testing of duplex fiber links with an OTDR is via bidirectional testing that averages the measurements taken from both ends of the link.

Bidirectional testing used to involve testing the fiber from one end, walking the OTDR to the other end to test again and then averaging the two values to get the results—and it had to be done for each link.

2016년 12월 30일

Testing New Cable Tester in 2017


여기서는 내년도 테스트 부문의 가장 큰 트렌드가 될 것으로 예상되는 사항을 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.

구리 트위스트 페어 네트워크 케이블보다 더 많은 장치가 연결될 LAN부터 기업들이 전보다 훨씬 더 많은 데이터에 액세스하고 이를 전송 및 저장해야 하는 상황에 직면하면서 고속 광케이블 링크 수요가 증가하고 있는 데이터 센터에 이르기까지 사물인터넷(IoT)이 계속해서 네트워크 케이블 부문의 주요 성장 동력이 될 것이라는 점은 분명합니다.

2016년 12월 14일

How Accurate is Your Optical Loss Test Set?

You have just made a loss measurement using an Optical Loss Test Set (OLTS). The measurement was made to a test limit, the result was a PASS, and the margin was provided. Have you ever thought about how much margin is acceptable?

2016년 12월 1일