케이블링 산업 현황

SFP 트랜시버 및 네트워크 케이블 테스트 방법

Recently we have been getting questions about how to determine if an SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) transceiver is working. We refer to SFP generically here to represent a multitude of the various optical modules that are available. Fluke Networks fiber testers can be used to measure the light that is being put out by an SFP.

2022년 1월 21일

오늘날의 광케이블 검사에 가장 적합한 광케이블 스코프 선택

Contaminated connections remain the number one cause of fiber related problems and failures in data centers, campus, and other enterprise or telecom networking environments. But it’s not enough to just clean every fiber end face—there is no way to know if the end face is clean unless you inspect it.


2022년 1월 4일

광케이블 vs. 구리선 (에지): 광케이블이 스마트한 지속 가능 빌딩을 위한 발전적 선택인 이유

For years, we’ve heard about FTTX making its way into the horizontal LAN — fiber to the desktop, fiber to the office, fiber to the enclosure, fiber to the zone, etc. Often referred to as “fiber to the edge” or FTTE, most of these deployments have traditionally been for high-security government environments or specialty applications or devices. Now, as bandwidth requirements continue to increase and the commercial real estate industry is trending towards smarter and more sustainable buildings, the question of using fiber vs. copper is more relevant.

2021년 12월 8일

What You Need to Know to Choose a PoE Tester

2021년 12월 1일

광케이블 및 테스터가 400G 이더넷을 사용할 준비가 되어 있습니까?

Driven by large hyperscale and cloud data center providers, advancements in signaling and transceiver technology have led to the development of next-generation transmission speeds. There are now multiple options available for 400G Ethernet applications over multimode and single-mode fiber with more on the horizon. And it doesn’t stop there—big players like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft are driving innovation to support 800 Gig and 1.6 Terabit applications, and the IEEE Beyond 400 Gig Ethernet Study Group is already defining objectives.

2021년 9월 28일

삽입 손실

What is Insertion Loss?

Insertion loss is the amount of energy that a signal loses as it travels along a cable link. It is a natural phenomenon that occurs for any type of transmission—whether it's electricity or data. This reduction of signal, also called attenuation, is directly related to the length of a cable—the longer the cable, the greater the insertion loss. Insertion loss is also caused by any connection points along a cable link (i.e., connectors and splices).

Insertion Loss Formula

2021년 8월 25일

금속 LC 커넥터: 래치 파손의 우려가 없는 광케이블 테스트 참조 코드

사용 중인 구성 요소의 유형에 따라 다양한 유형의 광 커넥터가 있지만, 네트워킹 산업 전체에 걸쳐 LC 커넥터가 매우 흔해졌습니다.

플라스틱 LC 커넥터

연결부에 플라스틱을 사용하는 경우 플러그를 꽂은 다음 거의 건드리지만 않으면 완벽하게 작동합니다. 하지만 예를 들어 광케이블 테스트 참조 코드를 사용하여 이러한 연결을 반복적으로 수행하고 분리해야 하는 경우, 반복적인 구부림으로 인해 하우징의 신축성 래치가 파손되는 경우가 많습니다.

2021년 8월 23일

PoE 부하 테스트: PoE 시스템을 위한 고급 문제 해결

Since the original IEEE 802.3af Type 1 power over Ethernet (PoE) standard that delivered up to 15.4 Watts (W) was first introduced in 2003, the technology has evolved to include Type 2 (up to 30 W), Type 3 (up to 60 W), and Type 4 (up to 90 W). That means PoE voltage now supports everything from phones, Wi-Fi access points, and surveillance cameras, to laptops, digital displays, and even facility-wide LED lighting—all requiring various levels of PoE power.

2021년 7월 27일

데이터 센터에서 교차 연결 및 상호 연결

In the data center space, cross connects and interconnects via patch panels are commonly used between active equipment purely for management and flexibility, typically residing between switch tiers or between switches and servers. Some scenarios even call for using multiple cross connects or interconnects within the same channel, or a combination thereof.

2021년 7월 14일

네트워크 케이블 테스터 사용 방법 - LinkIQ™

2021년 6월 22일