케이블링 산업 현황
MPTL을 테스트하는 올바른 방법은 무엇입니까?
You have just received a job specification that includes Modular Plug Terminated Links (MPTLs), with the requirement that all links, including the MPTL, be certified to TIA or ISO standards. This means the customer or manufacturer will look for test reports with “MPTL” as the test limit.
2023년 8월 22일
계약자는 인증 생략이 위험을 감수할 만한 가치가 없다고 말합니다.
Network cable certification may be required by the job specification or for a long-term warranty from a cable supplier. If it’s not required, have you ever skipped this critical step?
2023년 7월 6일
Fluke CableIQ™ Qualification Tester vs. LinkIQ™ 케이블+네트워크 테스터
2007년에, Fluke Networks는 CableIQ Qualification Tester를 도입하여 케이블 적격성 시장을 만들었습니다. 계약업체가 TIA 및 ISO 표준을 충족하고 오늘날의 네트워크와 미래의 네트워크를 모두 지원할 케이블 시스템을 설치하는지 확인해야 하는 건물 소유자에게 인증은 필수적이지만, 네트워크 케이블 적격성 테스터는 네트워크 유지보수 팀이 접근할 수 없는 가격에 책정되어 있습니다.
2023년 6월 13일
인증 테스트의 효과: 전문가 및 FLW 파일
While certifying a cable plant, an installer repeatedly experiences complex near-end crosstalk (NEXT) failures on multiple links. Overwhelmed by issues with the cabling plant and the customer demanding answers, she needs expert help to troubleshoot the problem. Fluke Networks Technical Assistance Center (TAC) to the rescue!
2023년 5월 2일
보증 및 인증 테스트 ROI 실현
One could argue that certification testing of an installed structured cabling plant is optional and time consuming. But if an end user wants a system warranty, “optional” is the last word to describe this crucial step. As Panduit’s product line manager Frank Straka put it, “Certification testing will always be required for warranty, regardless of the number of drops on a project.”
2023년 4월 6일
반사 손실이란 무엇입니까?
Return loss is the ratio of signal power injected from a source compared to the amount that is returned or reflected back toward the source. It is a critical performance parameter in both copper twisted pair and fiber optic cabling systems, because it can interfere with the transmitted signal and can contribute to an increase in the measured insertion loss (the amount of power that a that a signal loses as it travels along a cable link).
2023년 2월 14일
케이블링 인증이 과거보다 더 중요해진 3가지 이유
Every time you complete the installation of a structured cabling system, you can choose whether to certify it. All links in the system should be tested in some way to make sure that they’re connected properly, but is it necessary to measure and document the performance of every link?
2023년 1월 5일
배선 기술자 교육(CCTT) 인증은 가치가 있습니까?
Staying on top of the critical technological developments in network cabling infrastructure helps you — and your company — stay current and competitive. One way to do that is to participate in an accredited training and certification program, like Fluke Networks Certified Cabling Test Technician™ Training (and now, Recertification Training).
2022년 11월 25일
FiberLert가 광케이블의 게임 체인저인 이유
As the leading provider of instructor-led training for fiber optic technicians, Light Brigade was an obvious choice to give us feedback during the development of the FiberLert™ Live Fiber Detector. Recently, Sean Kelly, RCDD, CFHP, and Technical Director at Light Brigade, wrote down his thoughts about the tool now that it’s on the market.
2022년 11월 17일
최고의 배선 추적 조사 방법
Although contractors spend a great deal of time and care designing and labeling cable installations, everyone who works on cabling runs into instances where they’re not sure where a cable goes. Perhaps the cable wasn’t labeled correctly when it was installed. Or maybe it was a technician’s "temporary" addition that has lasted for years. Learn which cable toners, identifiers, network cable testers and probes can help you cut the time you spend figuring out where that cable actually goes.
2022년 8월 16일